Playing with water is one of the favorite playtimes of kids. But without proper safety, Funtime can become an unforgettable event for a child and his parents. It is important for parents to understand the risks of drowning and should make their young ones aware of water safety rules. 10 people die per day from drowning in the US alone. According to the CDC, drowning is the 2nd leading cause of death for children ages 1-14 right after car accidents. So it’s become necessary for parents to feel the need for drowning prevention. By taking the following actions, parents can teach safety rules to their children
Walking near Swimming Pool
A swimming pool can be as slippery as a bathroom floor so it is important not to get excited near water and can use slow and safe walking feet. A child could hit his head and develop a serious injury.
Ask for permission before getting in the water
A child should always ask for permission from his parents to approach or enter the water. Without his parent’s permission, a child should never turn on the hose or bathwater.
Life jacket
If a child is a new swimmer or a non-swimmer, it is wise to wear a life jacket or puddle jumpers in the pool every time. There are some devices that provide a false sense of security and are not approved safety devices like Arm floaties and Pool noodles. Life jackets are the smart decision near natural water bodies like oceans, rivers, lakes.
Feet First
Directly going for diving may not be a wise idea. Diving headfirst can lead to serious head injuries so it is important to look for posted signs or ask a lifeguard if diving is okay. It’s better to jump in feet first. Never dive into a water body with an unknown depth.
Swimming in moving water
Water with a current can be unpredictable. You should teach your child that creeks, rivers, and streams are off-limit. Safe lifeguarded areas are a clear exception to this rule. Adult supervision and a life jacket are always the best choices for any water body with a current.
Adult supervision
An adult should be there in the event of an emergency. Undistracted and uninterrupted adult supervision is non-negotiable.
Stay within the designated area
Designated marking is the first thing that a child should be taught. Water depth signs should be easily read by a child. Lane rope or lane markers should not be seen as toys but as a boundary to respect.

Kelly Manuel is a writer and illustrator who has been published in many books for children. Her favorite things to do are read, draw, and play with her dog. Kelly Manuel was born on October 18th, 1985. She grew up as an only child but she always had lots of dogs around the house because her parents were both veterinarians. She loved reading from a very young age and would often make up stories about the dogs that came into the clinic where she lived with her parents.