The effects that a termite infestation can have on buildings has been noticed to be of magnitudes that cause huge losses. while all one could do in the past was wail and wish they had invested time and resources into controlling termites around their property, nowadays relatively easier methods exist that long ago, and they come with costs savings and technological innovations that don’t harm your property but only takes care of the primary target.

with time, humans had developed several methods of rooting out termites from building walls and sometimes enabling them to save their properties from infestations. The concern with those methods is how damaging they were themselves. Consider allowing a termite exterminator to pick randomly across your walls in search of trace behaviour and characteristics consistent with termites. The drills and peeling would still require money investments even if they don’t find a single bug.

The following tools have not only included the latest technologies in the hunt for termites, but also save you from damaging your property in the hope of finding the culprit termite. The implications of the tools and methods discovered are not only to introduce non invasive means but also to save time in the search for infected areas around your property. Application areas may include walls and floors but basically also any material that termites have been known to nibble and inevitably burrow through.

1. The moisture meter – because your walls should be dry in normal cases, termites introduce moisture to weaken the chunks of material they bite off to burrow through to form hives. Including that simple knowledge of termite behaviour observed from studies allowed for moisture detecting tools to be developed and used successfully to find the termites under solid surfaces. While this method works for not too deep lying clusters of termites, many more technologically complex yet easy to use methods were developed from the basic line of thought introduced by this one.

2. Termite detection radars – using location finding technology similar to those for metals, you can scan out coves of termites from your walls. They are powerful enough to detect even a single termite doing its rounds, leading you to larger locations that other methods have a risk of missing. The use of such technology in the act that many house owners at one time or more times when evaluating for selling, a lot of help and cost savings are not in the reach of everyone.

3. Thermal imaging sensors – being organic in nature, the termites have a small heat signature, which increases in visibility when they are in the same area; the exact places targeted by the hunt. Using these imaging tools makes it easier and faster to detect termites behind thick walls, because the rest of the material around them will be essentially dead matter.

4. Carbon dioxide sniffers – there are also some methods that rely on the very nature of termites being alive and breathing organisms. There is no reason why your walls should be breathing out carbon dioxide, and with that reason, should any living organism be making a home out of home without your consent, carbon dioxide sniffers will basically sniff it’s position out.

The future looks promising when you consider how effective and yet affordable these termite inspection methods are proving to be for homeowners and also on an industrial scale. Who is to say what new method will come from simply putting together the methods and tools discussed above? One things is guaranteed, we are yet to see the end to the developments around termite inspection.