Glass pipes have become increasingly popular over the past few decades. The majority of people who enjoy smoking are constantly on the lookout for quality smoking accessories and other smoking-related things. And since customer loyalty is the primary goal of businesses, they strive to provide the most diverse range of smoking accessories to their customers. However, this isn’t the only reason why glass pipe bundles became increasingly common in both smoke shops and online stores, keep reading if you are curious to find out more.


1. Save Money

The majority of glass pipe packages will save you money because they are cheaper per unit than buying them separately. The amount of money you will save can be determined by the number of units you purchase. The larger the volume that you’ll purchase, the greater the savings you will enjoy. This is particularly useful if you have an online smoke shop business and is planning to stock your inventory. But even if you don’t have a smoking shop, saving a few dollars on smaller bundles will help you save money and purchase a pipe you’ve been eyeing.

Not only that, smoke shops and online stores also offer discounts or promotions if you purchase a larger quantity of pipes. Some shops offer free shipping if you purchase a minimum required amount. This will save you money as well as time since they deliver your order to your front door for free. However, the downside of buying in bulk is that you’ll need a lot of storage space for your pipes. 

Glass pipes2. Good Starter Pack

Glass pipes come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from bubblers, hand pipes, glass bongs, and dab rigs with each type of glass pipe having its own set of advantages and disadvantages. If you can’t decide what to buy or if you want to experience different kinds of glass pipes, glass pipe bundles are worth a try. You can have a diverse type of glass pipe for a much lower cost.

Aside from that, Glass pipes and bongs are an essential piece of inventory for dispensaries and smoke shops to keep in stock. The types of glass pipes that you must stock will, of course, be based on the experience level of your customers. For store owners, purchasing your stock in bulk or bundle packages would help you to keep a wider range of items on hand while still saving money. and choose the kind of variety you’d like to sell. In this way, you can expand your Customer Base.

  1. Double or Triple your Profit

Working directly with online distributors or wholesalers doesn’t just bring about the convenience of getting a consistent supply of a wide range of glass pipes, it also allows you to make some good money as profit from the business. To begin with, nearly all of the goods you buy will be cheaper if you buy them from a wholesaler. That is to say, the cost per unit would be lower. As a result, you can resell it for a much lower price than your competitors in the area. And if you’ve been selling glass pipes on a smaller scale, buying more in bulk from online vendors or wholesalers will help you grow your market. When combined with proper marketing, this can be extremely beneficial, especially if you’re a startup. The more clients you sell, the more profits you’ll make as time goes by from your sales.

glass bongs

For more easy profit estimation, you can search for wholesale vendors that have a cost vs. retail value breakdown on each package. This breakdown will come in handy when estimating the selling price per pipe. It can be higher or lower also on the market price depending on your location.

In a nutshell, buying in a glass pipe bundle entails purchasing a large number of pipes at a lower per-unit cost. If you are not aware of any shops that sell wholesale, you can simply check on the internet. There are a lot of popular online stores that offer quality glass pipe bundles and excellent service.