Glaucoma is the second most common cause of blindness after macular degeneration, and over three million Americans currently suffer from the condition. It can affect people of all ages but becomes more common in later life. Those with diabetes or a prior family history of glaucoma are at greater risk.
When it comes to identifying and treating glaucoma, time is of the essence to prevent significant vision loss. As glaucoma affects the peripheral vision first, a qualified eye doctor often recognizes glaucoma symptoms long before the patient would, so regular sight tests are essential.
In healthy eyes, fluid is produced and drained at the same rate. However, glaucoma causes an imbalance in this mechanism, allowing fluid to build up.
The accumulated fluid exerts pressure on the eye’s natural lens, the retina, and the optic nerve. Over time, this pressure can cause irreparable damage to these vital parts of the eye, leading to vision loss and even blindness.
There are two main types of glaucoma. With open-angle glaucoma, the outflow channel is open but has become clogged. In patients suffering from closed-angle glaucoma, the blockage is caused by the iris and cornea moving closer together.
Once diagnosed, glaucoma natural remedies can be used to help improve the sight of those living with the condition. Though swift medical treatment from a dedicated eye specialist is crucial, patients can also help to treat glaucoma naturally with the following remedies.
Foods for Preventing and Treating Glaucoma
Consuming a diet comprised of vegetables and fresh fruits, cold-water fish, whole grains, and organic, grass-fed products provides nutrients for maintaining optimal eye health. It can help improve vision, fight free radicals, and support the flexibility of collagen and soft tissues near the eye.
Glaucoma patients should consume fluids in small amounts throughout the day, as large quantities can build additional pressure within the eye. Taking good-quality fish oil two or three times a week can also help decrease eye pressure.
Apples, leafy greens, sesame oils, and sea vegetables contain large amounts of chromium, which can lower ocular pressure and help ease glaucoma symptoms.
Foods to Avoid for Glaucoma Patients
If a glaucoma patient suffers from any food allergies or intolerances, they must avoid these foods. Consuming them can cause inflammation, which can be detrimental to anyone with glaucoma. Caffeinated drinks like coffee and tea also reduce blood flow to the eyes, causing the fluid to drain at a slower pace.
Acupressure can be beneficial for people who experience eye strain from looking at computer or television screens. Specialists claim these acupressure points can aid the treatment of glaucoma and provide comfort to the eyes.
- Large intestine (L13 and L14) to increase blood flow to the eyes and head
- Stomach 3 (St3) reduces pressure exerted on the eyes
- Bladder 10 (B10) relaxes bloodshot eyes and eases eye strain
Other Recommendations
There are other practices which can prevent glaucoma from occurring or worsening. Hours spent watching TV and playing video games should be minimized, and patients who smoke should stop as soon as possible. Moderate aerobic exercise can also help to reduce eye pressure.
Book a consultation with a qualified eye doctor to discuss these glaucoma natural remedies. In conjunction with medical treatment, it is possible in many cases to treat glaucoma naturally and reduce the symptoms, improving patients’ sight, comfort, and quality of life.

Kelly Manuel is a writer and illustrator who has been published in many books for children. Her favorite things to do are read, draw, and play with her dog. Kelly Manuel was born on October 18th, 1985. She grew up as an only child but she always had lots of dogs around the house because her parents were both veterinarians. She loved reading from a very young age and would often make up stories about the dogs that came into the clinic where she lived with her parents.